Why Ask… Because in Love Sh** Happens!


In this book, relationship expert–Indy V. Smith–offers advice and tips that motivate and guide people to ask the kinds of questions that lead to finding and keeping the right person.



In this book, relationship expert–Indy V. Smith–offers advice and tips that motivate and guide people to ask the kinds of questions that lead to finding and keeping the right person. Through a series of specific introspective questions and real-life scenarios, Indy Smith shares a valuable process that will help others to:
Enhance communication skills.
Look within to discover personal needs first.
Identify common interests that build a lasting relationship.
Learn to compromise regarding physical needs, schedules, and family obligations.
Face and overcome varying enemies of a relationship.
Manage major life events together with respect.

Why Ask… Because in Love Sh** Happens! offers advice and questions that will help anyone interested in forming healthy relationships based on the foundation of friendship, mutual respect, and unconditional love. This book features more than 200 questions to ask your mate or date.

Why Ask… Because in Love Sh** Happens!


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